Monday 14 July 2008

wheels within wheels

3rd July
Back to school with the girls for sewing today. Progress is being made with the crochet lessons although the pieces are turning out to be triangles instead of squares! At least they are persevering and enjoying a good laugh.We were shown the photos of the evening dress being worn for which we had helped to produce accessories and were given a happy account of the event. A new person came along to learn to knit and everyone seemed relaxed in our company.I must admit I enjoy talking to the youngsters and meeting their children.
7th July
More knitting and talk today but this took place in our local WI craft group. The project for Winslow Show is taking shape and looks a lot better than I thought it would a month ago.If it attracts children, it will draw the mothers in as well and you never know, they might find something in the rest of the display to tempt them into joining.
10th July
The second Thursday every other month is now the regular meeting day for the Education and Current Affairs Sub-Committee. This month we welcomed two observers to the meeting. This is the way in which we hope to recruit people on to the committees. Some volunteer and some are spotted at other events held across the county.We had to wind up the Westonbirt outing and the Taste of Poland Day and then start to plan the next series of activities. Nothing daunted by having to cancel the Health Day in the Spring, we are going to try a slightly different slant in October in Winslow Public Hall. We are taking some travel under our wing and thinking about another international day.The really good news is that we now have an appointed representative for ACWW (the Associated Country Women of the World).This is an international organisation to which every WI contributes its Coins for Friendship each year. One may specify how the money should be spent to help women less fortunate than ourselves. In the past BFWI has helped with fresh water projects in Lesotho, bought sewing machines for Africa and cattle and goats for India.We hope that now we have another representative, we may be able to ask the members to undertake a named scheme again.What seems a small amount to us in UK can make a huge difference in the Third World.
12th July
Six members of our local WI took part in a very different activity today.We travelled north to the DIRFT centre near Daventry and enjoyed a conducted tour of the Eddie Stobart logistics park at Crick.One may do this only with a bona fide member of the Eddie Stobart Fan Club! It was great fun clambering into lorries, being shown round the workshops and hearing how the journeys and loads are planned. We saw where freight is transferred on to rail and learned how the drivers are trained and the way they live in their lorries and the type of loads they carry. We were told of the costs not only of the vehicles but also of the journeys.Unfortunately we cannot afford to have our names on the front of one of these giant lorries but why pay when one can spot one's lorry right there in the parking area? I think one of the most impressive things of the visit was to be told how well the drivers are looked after and that it still is a family concern and this caring element is appreciated by the men. Oh dear I have just realised that I forgot to ask if they had female drivers! They were certainly females in the HQ planning routes and loads, but there would be wouldn't there! That's organisation and we are good at that. Everyone we spoke to seemed to take a pride in working for the company so we were impressed. Now there are five more who will relieve the monotony of motorway travel by spotting Eddie Stobart named lorries.The company is also environmentally aware and does lots of worthwhile things for charities.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Inside and outside June activities

23rd June
I have written before about the Bucks Federation Dates and Sub-Committee Chairmen's meetings. This is the day on which all the sub-committee officers and anyone appointed to perform a special task for the county as a whole, come together to plan the timing of events over the next 2-5 years. Everyone fights her own campaign and hopefully at the end there is a unified programme for action. Sometimes one has to hold back and listen to others re-invent the wheel rather than say "We've tried that" and dampen new enthusiasm. Maybe the situation has changed and it will work this time.
25th June
This afternoon the local WI Book Group met and we were joined by a new reader whom we hope will become a WI member. We have gained several new members through our extra interest groups such as the ramblers and badminton. We had been reading different titles and some had been playing catch-up with past books for discussion such as The Book Thief and various Salley Vickers titles. Therefore the subjects were a bit more general than usual but no less enjoyable for that. We have a recommendation from a member of the group and a set from the Bucks County Library for next time.
The local WI committee meeting took longer than usual as our questionnaires were shared out among committee members for delivery around the town. These questionnaires were suggested after our secretary had attended a training day run by the Member Services Committee.We hope to find out what our own members think of their WI and how it could be improved. There was also the need tonight to decide how best to mend the rift about an added game for another charity at our fund-raising quiz in November and to arrange the take-up for the extra outing in August to Waterperry. The e-mail solves some problems of communication but shoe leather is still needed sometimes.
26th June
Two of us from our WI went to a neighbouring town to help with a Let's Sew project with young mothers.These are very enjoyable sessions and there is a lot of talk and laughter. We help with various needlework ideas which the girls have started such as making accessories for an evening dress or teaching crochet or knitting.The amount of basic materials which they have is amazing but they lack the skills to make use of them. That is where we think we can be useful and the girls and the staff certainly make us very welcome.
29th June
A big town event today when the gardens are on show and refreshments are available all day. Fortunately the WI caters in the afternoon only. We had set up a working party to organise our contribution and it was extremely successful.Everyone turned up when they said they would to serve and clear away and the flow of delicious cakes was wonderful. The bulk of the proceeds from this event goes to local charities but some surplus is made by the WI too to add to funds.
2nd July
Our WI meeting tonight was a bit disappointing as the speaker showed too many slides and the commentary was not really very good. We could all produce holiday slides from a foreign country but what one needs is some local facts and pieces of information or anecdotes which will make one want to visit there too or teach one something about another way of life.At least be able to identify the flora and fauna! Unfortunately the speaker came recommended by two federations' yearbooks so others will be booking him so we will have to send in a critical report to the producers of the yearbook to encourage him to improve or drop that subject from his repertoire.The filling in of those report sheets is an important chore for WIs and a necessary part for the production of the list of recommended speakers. We stand or fall by the quality of our speakers at the monthly meetings.
The attendance was very good considering the appeal of Wimbledon and the lovely summer evening. We listened to an excellent report of the NFWI Annual General Meeting at Liverpool made by our link delegate who had obviously enjoyed the experience. I hope it is our WI's turn next year at the Royal Albert Hall.We also obtained the permission of the members to play a part in the Big Tidy Up campaign launched by our National Chairman last month.We hope to feature it at the Winslow Show and involve other groups in the town.