Thursday 26 November 2009

In full flow

21st November
This evening the local WI hosted its Barn Dance and I think we can safely say it was a success.It was a new experience for the WI to hold this type of event so we were uncertain right up to last week about the outcome as the tickets seemed to be selling very slowly but we ended up with over 80 people of all ages and they all danced. The caller was excellent, the food was good and plentiful and the whole evening was enjoyable. We even had teenage gate-crashers which is probably a first for a WI event! Maybe barn dances are the way to attract younger members.It was our annual fund-raiser but the final sums have not been done.The important point is that it was a team effort when several members who could not attend the dance provided items for the supper.
20th November
An aside really here. When one sees pictures of people gathered in village halls and schools in Cumbria as their houses fill up with flood waters, one realises the importance of the system of emergency planning in which our WIs play such a welcome part. I bet the Cumbrian WI members are handing out tea and sympathy from those kitchens and being generally helpful.It could be us who have to report suddenly for duty in a crisis, to swing into action as rehearsed.
19th November
This morning saw the launch of the new part-time Post Office in Twyford village. There was a small opening ceremony in the United Reform Church at which the local people who had campaigned for the return of postal services to the village gathered and were duly photographed by the local press.The WI has been instrumental in raising people's awareness to the loss of services to rural communities so several of us went along to show how much this development was appreciated. It is now up to the local residents to take advantage of the new service. There are to be four other part-time Post Offices in North Bucks all run under the one peripatetic sub-postmistress so let us hope that the venture will prove a success.
In the afternoon some of us went to Stony Stratford where Bucks WI goods were on sale in a member's house. Items from the WI Shop down at High Wycombe are transported to some town in the north of the County in November every year so that WI members who cannot reach the shop may see what is available. It is also a social occasion with probably the first mincepies of the season for all to share. There was a lot of chat about the new WI logo which had been released in the November issue of WI Life magazine.We agreed it was smart and would be useful in printed paperwork but it isn't as strikingly visible as the old WI tree.It will not do the same job as our trees on boards at road ends to help identify halls used for events.Anyway we will still be able to use our wooden trees until they fall to pieces which probably wont be all that long either as they are becoming tatty round the edges.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

A mixed bag

17th November
Good news today that the Post Office at Twyford is going to be re-instated albeit just twice a week. There is to be a mini grand opening tomorrow. The WI over the last three years has done a lot of campaigning to keep post offices open but it has been an uphill battle so even two days a week is a success. Let's hope that the local people prove it valuable to them.
16th November
There was a large audience at Longueville Hall, Newton Longueville today for the Gourmet Christmas demonstration organised by the new Home and Gardens Sub-committee. The morning passed well as we watched the team produce preserves for Christmas and the lunch of soup and rolls was lovely. It was also quite an achievement logistically as there were about 140 people to serve.However the afternoon was disappointing because the demonstrators had not included enough on their programme to keep us occupied.It was the first time that they had demonstrated to a WI audience but were experienced in running courses at their own base for students and corporate events.They were such pleasant people that the audience was half way to forgiving them and certainly the WI subcommittee was in no way responsible for the shortened afternoon session.It was a very social meeting which was enjoyable in itself.
14th November
Five members of the local WI Book Group drove down to Chesham for a Writers' Day organised by the Bucks County Library.It was held in the Town Hall which we could see but not actually reach by car before two abortive attempts! There must have been almost 100 people there. During the day there were 2 sessions when we were all together and then we had the choice of two sessions from six.Three female crime writers held a conversation about writing crime novels, there was a travel author and another discussing his progress from poetry appreciation to scientific writing and finally a biography of Charles Darwin.Our members kept meeting up as we went our different ways but we also met other WI members who were attending and even former school friends. The Bucks County Library hold these events every year and publish a newsletter for book groups which is useful when picking new titles to read. We tend to go our own way but every now and then follow up a suggestion. It was a very good day and well worth a visit.
12th November
Today was the Education and Current Affairs subcommittee meeting and lots of other things happening down at Stuart Lodge. We had a long agenda but managed to get through it before lunch. A lot of time was taken up with reviewing the events held in September and October, the second Brain Games and the International Day on Holland. Fortunately both had been successful and we had received favourable comments. I just wish we had taken some photos to put in either the newsletter or on the website.The correspondence included a letter from an organisation wanting WIs to discuss these new electronic patient records. I don't think we can avoid them, however much we doubt their security, but I wonder how many members would attend a small discussion party on this subject. We held one on stem cell biology and another on climate change so perhaps...The other topic was the NFWI's campaign to approach tea firms to ask them to use only Fairtrade produce. Taylors of Harrogate use some Fairtrade tea but have other sources too. The firm will obviously resent the WI interference on this as they have been environmentally active for years and are members of the Rain Forest Alliance. They have also been extremely generous towards WIs so it will be interesting to see what the individual WIs do about this campaign.
11th November
An exceedingly small group from the BFWI met to review progress on our website. And there is progress! For Heaven's sake all of you take the time to have a look. Our website manager is working wonders and what we need now is for the WI members and the WI committees to submit material whether it be written accounts or photos so that there is always a change of items on the screen. If members and the outside world can see what we are doing and what fun we have, we will never have to cancel events and will attract new members.We must come out from under our collective bushel.
4th November
Local WI Annual meeting tonight and a very good turn out.Actually it was a very lively meeting and we were able to catch up on quite a few things that have been hanging over us for a while.We heard from our members who took part in the Emergency Planning day, about all the BFWI events that had been attended and we learned the result of the vote on where we are to meet next year. We are on the move, girls! The finances are OK although we lost a little money last year. We have a new President, a new Treasurer and the same Secretary. The Barn Dance will go ahead, although the sale of tickets has been a trifle slow so far. This is our major fundraiser this year so we wouldn't like to cancel it.I am sure it will be very enjoyable and the food volunteered will be first class as usual.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

action plans

26th October
On my way to the Daily Telegraph crossword, my eye was caught by the Nature Note headed WI hopes to create buzz around bees.It is a nice little article about our SOS Honeybees campaign in Bee Aware Action Week. I hope you all ate something which the bees had helped to pollinate. I baked that honey cake which was the competition entry at the Bucks WI event at the Chiltern Open Air Museum many years ago. It is a lovely cake, absolutely fool-proof invented by one of the tutors at Denman College--the same one who is going to lead the next session of Basic Hygiene Certificates in High Wycombe early next year.Will I be sure to pass if I mention this recipe?!
28th October
Local WI committee this evening when we returned to the vexed topic of a change in venue for our meetings. All must be decided next month. Plans were made for the Barn Dance and we were also thinking some more about next year's fundraising event. Everything is in place for the Annual Meeting which promises to be a very busy evening because it will give us the chance to catch up on items and reports that had to be missed last meeting when we ran out of time.
31st October
This afternoon we were invited to a member's house for "tea and chat". The questionnaire which we circulated last year to find out what everyone would like to find on offer at the WI showed that social get-togethers of this type would be popular. The committee has responded with barbeques and soup and sandwich events and now this tea.We don't expect to make money at them but we usually do, so it helps with the annual finance sheet. Unfortunately some of the people who asked for them haven't turned up but that's their look-out! I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to meet people beyond the monthly meeting and it is surprising how helpful it can be to sort out minor details of the up and coming programme.