Sunday 20 March 2011

Just a matter of scale

While I have been doing all the usual things one does on a Sunday morning, I couldn't help thinking about those poor souls in Japan--- no house, no water, no food, no warmth and for thousands, no family either. And we grumble about disruption for a few days because of snow and the dreadful potholes in the roads! What a load of wimps we are! I wonder whether our Emergency Teams can even imagine where to start in that situation. I doubt if the WI could rustle up cups of tea and sympathy in that scenario but maybe I under-rate it.The world is so small these days that people in our town knew the frequency and scale of the after-shocks before it was listed on the web or TV; all courtesy of the personal mobile phone.

18th March
Cheltenham Gold Cup. Did you watch Denman battling it out in the race? Just think, if you had been on him for the last five years you would have had no problem for WI funds. Treasurers, only joking, of course! I think it is too late now because he is getting a bit old but he has the heart of a lion.Even finishing second you would have had a return on your outlay. I must find out how he came by his very WI name which brought him to my notice. I know there is a syndicate of WI members who share ownership of a flat-racing horse but I don't think they own a bit of Denman---more's the pity.

16th March
The local WI has a select group which is trying to make its voice heard on the town website. We met this evening to celebrate having got an entry about the April meeting actually printed on it. To achieve even this, we had to go on through other agencies than the web-master. There is much talk of wanting the WI and other town organisations to contribute but material sent up disappears into a black hole while we wait for the web-master to have time to add it on.It is so frustrating because this would be a marvellous tool for promotion and other communities are using their websites to good account. We also know what we want to do with it. We have called ourselves the Ginger Group but I think we want a name more aggressive than that. The Insurgents? Anyway our meetings are a good excuse for a good talk over a glass of wine.

15th March
A rather depleted meeting of the local WI Book Group this afternoon. It was not for lack of will to come along but pressures of work, grandparent duties and illness which thinned the ranks.We enjoyed discussing two novels: the "set" book The Time Traveller's Wife and Trespass by Rose Tremain. The first title was well received by the majority because it is such an intrigueing idea. Even those who don't normally appreciate sci-fi were fascinated by the workings of the plot. The characters were well drawn and amazingly believable whatever the complications of their DNA. How did the author write it? Did she describe the action at first chronologically and then sort of shuffle the chapters like a pack of cards? Anyway, well worth reading but not easy for the visually impaired to listen to on a tape. Trespass was a dark read but absolutely gripping. Another novel with wonderful characters even though they were mostly people one wouldn't like to spend time with. It is set in an isolated part of France where dreadful deeds go undisclosed for generations. The plot is tightly constructed and the aims of the avenging woman so well executed that one fears that she will become unstuck at any moment. One of those stories where one finds oneself on the side of the murderer I always enjoy Rose Tremain.We are going to return to this book next time when the others can add their twopennyworth.
We have learned of the new system for borrowing books for reading groups from the County Library Service which we will need to abide by. It is interesting to note that it doesn't tell us how we will be able to benefit from loans if or when our library becomes a community library. I imagine it will then involve going by community transport at least 7 miles to collect the books. We will see.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Marching on

10th March
A sub-committee meeting in Stuart lodge today at which we made last minute plans for our Trees for Life day next week.Most unusually I looked at my e-mails before leaving home and was shaken to find that one of our main speakers booked was changing his job so not only could he not fulfil his commitment to speak but he wouldn't even be in the country. It is moments like these that turn WI committee members grey overnight! Besides this temporary setback, I am pleased to say that everything else promises to be really interesting. We are also busy planning the summer activities with a nature walk and an outing to Blenheim Palace. Before that, we are giving a presentation for Women's International Day in Aylesbury and coming to give our news at the Spring Council Meeting where the ACWW representative will be able to announce that BFWI has reached its target for the Kenyan project.

8th March
There were several Bucks WI members among the invited audience at the Women's Aid 25th anniversary celebration in Aylesbury this afternoon.The work that this organisation does is marvellous and fulfils a vital need for women and children who have been subjected to physical and mental abuse in their homes.One had to admire the women who were able to stand up and tell everyone of their experiences and how Women's Aid had helped them. The WI has an on-going campaign against Violence against Women and works hard to support the needs of the abused here and abroad.Our WI always tries to save worthwhile items for the local centres and BFWI has a supply of leaflets if anyone wishes to learn more about them. Of course secrecy about the whereabouts of safe houses has to be maintained which must make fund-raising that much more difficult.I must say the refreshments were well up to WI standards but then some of them were made by WI members!

7th March
Some members of the local WI met this afternoon to learn how to crochet. This was quite amusing as there were a couple of absolute beginners who seemed determined to produce corkscrews but after a little while little pieces of flat crochet were appearing.We really need to meet several times to develop our skills but it is so difficult to find a regular slot which doesn't cross with other WI activities. We are all so busy and so involved with the town's activities.It is a shame if craft skills are lost and the new young members of the WI nationally want to learn them. It is also a very pleasant way to spend time with each other where there is a lot of talk and laughter and the opportunity to exchange ideas about life in general, not just the WI.

2nd March
One of the editorial team from the local newspaper came to talk at our regular monthly meeting tonight. We found what she had to say very interesting and she answered a lot of questions about the way in which the team selects items for the issues. Of course we complained that WI reports were often edited down and that sometimes our invitations to the press to attend events were disregarded.Our speaker was able to tell us why and we made her promise to cover our WI in a very positive fashion when we celebrate our 90th anniversary next year. We are planning an outing with our group WIs to the Bank of England and to repeat our Sports Day type of meeting as an extra in August. Then there are county competitions in which to participate for the Chiltern Show and the Bucks County Show and, wait for will be soon time for the big fund-raising event we always hold in October or November.The initial plans sound different and exciting.Did I tell you we had 6 new members this year and our meetings are will become even more lively as none of them are exactly shrinking violets.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

a mixed bag

1st March
I have just been reading the Buckinghamshire WI News which is full of lovely things to do right through to July. However, what a shame that 22 Bucks WIs did not return a single vote in the choice of resolution for the AGM in Liverpool in June! It seems a great pity that when every member now has the opportunity to express a preference she doesn't use the chance. Not one person out of 22 WIs! Part of me would like to see that the guilty WIs are refused the right to attend the Annual General Meeting but we"can't do that there here" as they say.

24th February
A busy day today rushing from one planning meeting to another. First of all a small working party met to arrange the summer literary lunch which promises to be great this year.We have booked a good author who is also a good speaker and we are holding the event in exceedingly comfortable surroundings. I'm not going to tell you any more at present so you will have to wait for a proper announcement in the Newsletter. Keep 28th June free though!
After that it was off to look at High Wycombe Town Hall to see how to lay out the room for the Education and Current Affairs sub-committee Trees event in March.It really is a pleasant venue and the buses stop right outside which avoids having to spend a small fortune in the carparks.The station isn't far away either.I always come away from these sorties quite convinced that something has been forgotten. It is rather like moving house when you realise that the diningroom table will not actually go through the door!
After that we repaired to the local Costa to draft the long agenda before returning home to feed the halfterm hordes.

23rd February
A lovely morning to go to the Wallace Collection on the visit organised by the Arts and Craft sub-committee.We were all punctual and enjoyed a good run in to London. It was pleasant to arrive in time for a coffee before setting out with our guides to look around the exhibition. These guides are so knowledgeable and make it sound as if they are fresh to the job when one knows they can be asked to do three tours a day. Although it was halfterm the rooms were not overcrowded and in the afternoon we were able to go back to see whatever we were most interested in with more time to really browse. The lunch was fine, a bit rushed because we had spent extra minutes on the tour, but it really was a very interesting way to spend the day. The journey home was slowed by a holdup on the motorway but one cannot make provision for that eventuality---better to happen on the way home than arrive late at our place of interest.

22nd February
It is always thrilling to suddenly see faces one knows on the national television.Sitting drinking a bedtime coffee, I was very surprised to see WI members from Bucks hobnobbing with the Duchess of Cornwall at Denman College! Apparently it was all kept secret when, as a WI member from Tetbury in Gloucestershire, the Duchess came to look around the WI college. She visited all the classes and was very interested in everything that was going on that day.

16th February
Tonight our local WI held a new members' evening in the President's house.We are rather proud of having seven new members and we agreed that they would get more out of their membership and more quickly, if we shared our experiences with them in a social setting. And it worked. It was a most enjoyable evening with lots of information given about the history and structure of the WI both nationally and at a local level. There was a lot of laughter too of course and I suspect that the committee members were spotting talent as well. I did hear someone say that the best way to get to know about the WI was to join the committee. I bet you were not the first person to be caught like that! It happens to most of us.

15th February
Over lunchtime the local WI helped one of its members run a jigsaw swap in the village hall in aid of Adoption UK. We had masses of puzzles to exchange or buy secondhand. We served coffees and soup and rolls and Lo and Behold the local press turned up --uninvited. Isn't it just the way when you ask, it fails to arrive and when you don't in walk the reporter and photographer. Anyway, there was a lot of chat and some jigsaw pieces added to the one on the table to complete and we raised £117. Something different which could be done again, preferably without a funeral going on nextdoor.