Thursday 28 May 2009

literary thoughts

19 May
Cheddington was once more the location for the BFWI Literary Lunch. This was the fifth of these annual get-togethers and they are always well attended. The speakers have been varied: we started with a Calendar Girl, then a romantic novelist, a journalist, a modern novelist and this time a biographical author who has just published her first book about Jane Austen. Hazel Jones was a very good speaker mixing humour with historical facts about life and marriage during Jane Austen's lifetime. The food was good and plentiful. I thought I heard a champagne bottle pop and the conversation certainly flowed. So do we continue with these lunches or do we try to think of something else? Next year is a celebratory one for Bucks Federation so the calendar may be full of exciting events.It would be really helpful if members would make their feelings known. We always receive letters of thanks and appreciation but some advice on this issue would be nice too.
20 May
I was asked to judge some of the classes for the local Blind Association. I was really impressed by what some of the writers could achieve in their lives in spite of the sudden onset of their disability. How does one come to terms with not being able to read or watch television or work with one's hands as one had been used to? Some of the handicrafts produced are really marvellous:it is humbling really.
21 May
Did you read that lovely letter in the Daily Telegraph which amid the gloom and doom of cheating politicians, pointed out the crazyness of getting the MPs to draw up a new set of rules for themselves? The correspondent from Wales suggested that it is administered by a "sensible, no-nonsense, incorruptible group of women--the Women's Institute". So there you go, girls!
25 May
I happened to catch the end of a TV programme about the Hairy Bikers on a visit to Denman College. They were making sponge cakes with the tutor who comes to Bucks to teach us for our hygiene certificates.The other spongemakers included some members from Bucks and ex-staff from Denman College. I was jumping up and down saying "Oh look ! There's so-and-so". It looked great fun and I wished I had seen all of the programme.
26 May
Local WI Book Group today and we have been reading a thriller by Peter James called "Dead Simple" which is to be the first in a series. Several of the readers really enjoyed this book and it was well plotted with many a twist and a few red herrings thrown in.It is not my sort of book as some of the violence is sadistic--not at all Agatha Christie like--and I do get fed up of hearing about the eating habits of police officers and their sex lives but I suppose that makes them more believable as people.Anyway besides me and one reader who suffers from claustrophobia and couldn't get past the first chapter, the others enjoyed it.I preferred "White Tiger" by Aravind Adiga which was related by a murderer and had its fair share of gore. Anyone reading this couldn't agree with the idea that India is no longer a Third World country, an opinion that was voiced the other day when discussing choosing a project for ACWW.
27 May
WI committee this evening with lots of plans for the rest of the year. My diary exhausts me to just think about what is to come in June and July.What with barbeques, extra trips out to visit the WI exhibition in High Wycombe, a chance to dress up for a summer posh event and walks and playreading and perhaps a barn dance and a mystery evening, we shall all be dizzy! Don't join the WI if you want a quiet sedate life! When will we find the time to sort out the Government?

Sunday 17 May 2009

Bees today, but tomorrow?

6th May
The local WI held its resolution meeting tonight and we were delighted to welcome 3 visitors to a well-attended gathering. One visitor was from one of the Yorkshire federations; she is staying in the area conducting some research into her family history so we were very pleased that she had seen our notice and decided to drop in. The other two visitors were even more exciting as they were a mother and daughter who wish to join. I hope we made the young girl welcome enough for her to want to keep coming. Actually it was a very lively meeting because the members had taken part in so many different events during the month that there was one report after another and all of them interesting and revealing lots of aspects of WI life.The member who presented the resolution on the health of honey bees did so in a very cunning way. She gave us all a quiz on bees and then while talking us through the answers was able to transmit most of the information on the notes from NFWI so the whole operation was quite painless and produced more feedback than usual in these debates. Then we did a little sketch--albeit read-- about the process behind the production of a resolution which went down well.
7th May
Notice in the press that The Calendar Girls are going to produce another calendar next year. Is this wise I ask myself? The original was such a success and a trailblazing exercise which has been copied almost to boredom that I wonder whether they should just rest on their laurels now. We have seen firemen, farmworkers and nurses all in the buff and much of the appeal of the original was in the surprise element of members of a respectable society stripping off. Maybe you think differently on this.
I hope some of you have noticed the changes on the BFWI website recently. Have a look at the members' page which is getting up-to-date and of course, the home page is different too. Could we re-vitalise the discussion part now?
11th May
The local craft group from our WI has finished the pictorial side of its sampler but unfortunately we have forgotten what to write on the reverse! A case of diving around to find the instructions is called for.Meanwhile there are some whirly-gig scarves being knit following the pattern in the newsletter a couple of months ago. I had much rather produce something like this than fiddle about with quilling! The sessions are very enjoyable as the members bring problems along and there is usually someone who can sort them out. Also it gives us time to make arrangements for transport to events or arrange outings to craft exhibitions.
13th May
I popped over to another WI to take the members through the Bee health resolution today. I felt rather guilty but I copied what our own member had done for us and I am pleased to say it worked just as well again.The bonus here was that one member had a son who kept bees so she was able to add even more information and give us a firsthand account of what it feels like to open up a hive and find that the bees have been attacked by the verroa mite.That WI had also lost the instructions for the back of the sampler so we are not alone in our quandary.
14th May
Today was the meeting of the Education and Current Affairs sub-committee at which everyone moves round for the next year.We had received very favourable reports of the crossword workshop so we are arranging another for those who missed out last time. We are also planning to hold an international day in October and looking ahead to lots of events for 2010. If only people would reply to letters and e-mails, even if it is just a one word answer...One can send SAEs asking for just that and get no response. I am afraid I think it is a case of bad manners, not just thoughtlessness but I am old-fashioned.

Friday 1 May 2009

That was April, that was

April 15th
I bet you are enjoying the irony of someone who is always saying that things must be up-to-date falling so far behind with the blog, so I had better do some catching up!
The local WI had its first session for a small group who fancied doing some playreading. We were ably guided by a member who is part of the town's amateur dramatic society.We had borrowed several sets of plays from the Bucks WI drama collection at Stuart Lodge.This is an amazing resource where Mrs Barbara Edwards had annotated and catalogued all the plays--- a real labour of love which should not be forgotten.Anyway we spent an enjoyable afternoon and roped in a passing grand daughter to read a part too. We have agreed to meet again and are plotting a contribution to the WI Christmas meeting.
April 20th
Not such a happy occasion today as about a dozen members attended a well-loved member's funeral.It is always sad to lose someone but this occasion was kept as a celebration of her life which went some way to soften the blow of an unexpected departure from our midst.
April 27th
Local WI meeting of the Book Group. We had expected a newcomer to the meeting but unfortunately she didn't appear so we will need to chase her up. The novel under discussion was "About Grace" by Anthony Doerr which was set in the Caribbean and Alaska. It contained some strange characters, all of whom seemed to have consuming interests in a subject such as metal sculpture, model boat making, sea creatures or (the main character's) the structure of snowflakes. The hero (if that is the right word) also suffered from severe attacks of deja vu about coming disasters which in most cases proved remarkably accurate and affected his life decisions.I had rather hoped people would be prompted to talk about this phenomenon which probably we have all shared at some time but I got the feeling the others didn't want to. Anyway the novel received a mixed reception.The next evening I watched a TV programme about snow crystals which was a bit weird--not the programme, but the timing.
April 28th
There was a meeting organised by the Education and Current Affairs sub-committee today at Bierton in a little hall still owned by the village WI.These halls are a mixed blessing to the WI.The accounts have to be kept separate but the buildings cost a lot to maintain and equipment tends to become out-of-date.We certainly battled today with desperate tables and metered heating but these problems were soon forgotten as 40 people pitted their brains against a selection of crosswords brought along by a devilish crossword setter for the Times and other newspapers. Tim Moorey was a wonderful speaker, quite charming and able to hide the workings of his devious mind behind a very engaging manner.We all enjoyed ourselves immensely and he liked us too and has promised to come back to hold another session for the members balloted out this time.
April 29th
An outing to Wimpole Hall was arranged for today by the new sub-committee for Homes and Gardens. Three coachloads of members and friends set out on a beautiful morning. Unfortunately one of the coaches broke down but the driver coped with the situation very well and within an hour a replacement coach had picked us up and we were on our way again. I wished that I had picked up the newspaper before I left the house so I could have exercised my improved skills at finishing cryptic crosswords.Instead during the wait with everyone else on our side of the coach we surveyed the portaloo across what looked like the trenches of the Somme battlefield and I wondered whether I would be the first to have to leg it across to the builders' facility!
Wimpole Hall is gorgeous and the gardens too but the stewards in the hall itself were so approachable and enthusiastic about the place that it added a lot to the visit.
As our coach had been given extra time because it arrived late, we had hardly had a quick wash before it was off to the local WI committee meeting.We heard what a good Council meeting it had been in spite of the fact that the County Chairman was too ill to attend.I was sorry to have missed it as I really enjoy council meetings and catching up with what is happening outside my patch.Our own meeting had been very successful when the members were asked to bring a photo meaningful to them and then talk about it.AND THEY DID.So that is a useful idea when a speaker leaves you in the lurch.Our treasurer has produced a budget for the year which we will discuss at the May meeting, then there are lots of events attended to report on and plans to make, so the evening should be full even though there is just one resolution to discuss.There was an active bees' nest in the structure of the wall in the walled garden at Wimpole Hall. They looked busy and healthy; I hope they keep that way.There is a lot of information about bees on the TV and in the papers at the moment so members should be quite well-informed for the Annual General Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in June.