Sunday 24 October 2010

Putting on a performance

22nd October
The WI is in the news again because a former member of Yarmouth WI on the Isle of Wight made a dying wish that as many people as possible might see a film in which she had appeared. Way back in the 1950s and 1960s, Pamela Green had been known as the Queen of Curves because of her roles on rather risque postcards and magazine shots, so perhaps the Calendar Girls were not as ground-breaking as we all originally thought.

20th October
It was good to hear that the Bucks WI members who had travelled to Canada had returned safely and thoroughly enjoyed their holiday. This tour was organised especially for WI members so they took in Stoney Creek where the WI movement started. They found it quite moving to think that they had been standing in the little room beside the very table on which the original constitution had been signed. The bulk of the party came from the Avon and the Worcestershire Federations but in true WI fashion our members made friends quickly and didn't feel overwhelmed by the larger party.There were some brave husbands there as well.
I should imagine I was not alone in being surprised to read in the national press that our WI Headquarters had lost the list of members who had attended the AGM in Cardiff in June. It was claimed that this was delaying the issue of the CD for the Christmas markets because the delegates' singing of Jerusalem at the meeting had been recorded and permission had to be given for our voices to be heard.How ridiculous is that! We were all told that the recording was being made so those who didn't want their voices to be heard along with 4000 others, didn't have to sing. Anyway, NFWI hadn't lost the list and if it had, the federation secretaries hadn't so a blanket permission could be given in a matter of moments. So girls, if you hear yourself issue a duff note, you cannot withdraw it now!

19th October
Our local WI group enjoyed a first class meeting tonight when a dwarf actor came to tell us about his experiences in the film world. He was very entertaining and obviously delighted in sharing his stories with us all. The refreshments were fantastic and the news of what had been happening in the various WIs was very interesting. One of the WIs in our group is forever writing up to the WI Headquarters in New Kings Road about concerns in every day life. Fine, but they always get a dig in about the rise in subscriptions for those on a fixed income. This year the rise is all of 50p. as you all know but off they all go on outings and on trips to the theatre without a thought of needing to save 50p on the costs of the weekly food shop. On the way home ---too late, as usual--- I thought of a good reply: it was the cost of replying to all those letters that probably necessitated the rise in subscriptions. No, to be fair, the reason for this year's letter was the proposed abolition of cheques. There I agreed with them. I'm going to keep a track of how often I cannot NOT use a cheque both in private life and in WI matters.I don't see why we should all have to have a credit card or internet bank accounts either. Getting back to the rise in subs I heard of a local member who took a holiday with one of the coach firms advertised in that little book of tokens we receive when we renew our membership. The firm offered a 5% discount which was more than the whole subscription she paid earlier in the year!

18th October
Those who missed the Autumn Federation Event at the Town Hall in High Wycombe missed a treat. It was unusual in being an afternoon event which precluded those members in the workplace but for the rest of us it was very convenient. Lucy Worsley, the Chief Curator of Historic Royal Palaces spoke about past life in Kensington Palace and she used our Bucks Federation new laptop and projector which had been purchased with a grant from AVDC. What a good speaker she was---so enthusiastic, such a vibrant little person whom most of us thought, when we first saw her, was someone's 13 year old daughter! There was so much information given in such an entertaining manner that many couldn't resist buying her book in which she writes the history of the staff and courtiers in Queen Charlotte's employ.
This talk was followed by a conversation piece about some of the experiences of three former members of our own Executive while they set up the big events of recent Bucks WI history. That was good too, and amusing---some experiences probably better in remembrance when at the time when actually struggling against deadlines and ghastly weather conditions.I wonder whether we could persuade them to repeat this at WI meetings.
Next a delightful musical interlude by Lisa Nelson and Eleanor Turner on flute and harp in which they delighted us with music by Mozart and Eric Scott the Jazz composer. It really was a super afternoon's entertainment and all credit to those who organised the programme.

Friday 15 October 2010

Talk about Talk

14th October
Well, that's a first! Someone hauling me over the coals because my blog is not up-to-date.I wish I could give the excuse that it is because I am having trouble using the computer in bi-focals but that has only happened now while my proper reading specs are being up-graded---or down-graded, whichever way you look at it.
So last night a small party of us made plans for our local WI's big fund-raiser at the end of the month. The time was mostly taken up with shopping and cooking lists as well as discussion on whether we should use some disposable crockery in order to save on work in the kitchen. Is it more environmentally friendly to use light and heat or to throw masses of plastic away? We don't want standards to drop because the clientele has become used to our events being rather special. The result is that we are going to have a bit of both but you will be pleased to hear no plastic cutlery! We are nearing capacity with the sale of tickets which is good news as knowing numbers makes planning so much easier.

13th October
Our subject for discussion at our meeting tonight was "celebration" and we had a first class cause for worldwide celebration in the freeing of the Chilean miners which was taking place even while we sat comfortably in a member's house.We had been thinking that celebration nearly always involves food but in actual fact lots of celebrations are small scale personal feelings of thanksgiving for the natural world around us; our families and gardens bring joy and a sense of achievement. Many of us bemoaned the commercial led celebrations which seem to sprout up throughout the year. The festivals of all the religions in our nation are cause for celebration to whoever follows that faith but Hallowe'en has highjacked All Saints' Day and so has Christmas been changed into a trade bonanza.The growing fashion for memorial services for ordinary people like ourselves not just the great and the good was welcomed: held after the traditional funeral or wake that we all remember. Mind not all of those were dreary affairs. Celebration and thanksgiving seem to have been interwoven since the caveman brought home his kill. It will be a sad day when no one can think of something to lift the spirit nor a single thing for which to be thankful.

11th October
A small gathering of craft people met to think about winter activities. While we are so small we cannot really afford to have separate demonstrations but there are some other members thinking of joining us on these afternoons. We will probably have a go at the competition for a handbag which the Arts and Home Crafts subcommittee is running in the Spring across Bucks and there is nothing wrong with spending a couple of hours in companionable sewing , knitting or making cards.

6th October
Unfortunately I missed my local WI meeting tonight as I had a family commitment. I know the members voted against buying a sound system for the WI which is interesting. Apparently they sorted each other out about standing up to talk from the floor and not engaging in conversation among themselves while being addressed from the top table: a bit of group therapy there obviously! I hate missing meetings because one loses out on booking for events and this year for the first time for donkey's years I didn't order a WI diary. I'll never find another which will have the information which I so often want.I was told years ago that the most valuable thing a WI member can do is to regularly attend the meetings. It certainly works the other way around.

4th October
Down to the Bucks Federation Office today for the annual Dates Meeting. This is when representatives from all the county subcommittees gather together to claim dates for the next year's activities planned by their own committees. This is very necessary to avoid similar types of events occuring in the same month or there being too many planned for the same venue etc. I always call it "the day of the long knives" but it isn't really like that! This meeting was rather special because we used the new laptop and projector which the BFWI bought with the help of an AVDC grant---paperless society here we come!. You will be seeing this equipment in use for many events in the future.