Saturday 19 May 2007

grumpy old woman meets new WI

May 14th
Local WI book club today. We are trying a new system for choosing the books to read. Originally we tended to follow the Daily Mail selection and buy copies over the internet as a group at a reduced price but then we heard that the County Library had sets of titles which could be ordered monthly. So we perused the list and marked what we had already read. It is a long list, very varied and in some ways rather strange. Anyway we sent up our list and Lo and Behold nothing which we considered was available. I think we were all amazed at the obvious popularity of reading groups in all sorts of different organisations across the county. I began to wonder whether this was the right way to spend the book fund on sets of 20 or so of several hundred titles when money was so scarce in the public libraries.
We were given a latest list of five to choose from and chose Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I know it has won prizes and is wonderfully written about an unusual topic but really I wonder about the novel having a place in the core collection. It has the capacity to shock readers of a sensitive disposition who are not forewarned of its content.Our readers are a broadminded group and we certainly found it educational but should it have a place on the list?
May 15th
I went off this evening to visit one of the newest WIs in Bucks. I was scheduled by the Art and Home Crafts sub-committee to take along the Craft basket to the meeting. This is a fine collection of craft work collected over the years which has been done by WI members. Apparently there are 14 different crafts to exhibit in the basket.It is a popular item to have at a meeting--and fairly cheap too! One arranges its loan through the Federation Office in High Wycombe.
Without wanting to appear a grumpy old woman, I just wish that the examples exhibited more modern practice of the traditional techniques. No one is interested in making crocheted doilies or smocked romper suits today but there are marvellous modern crochet patterns for clothes and they appear in fashion shops at exorbitant prices.The skills shown in the basket are amazing but could be put to use in much more appealing modern items.
This is probably our youngest in age WI in Bucks. The members are interested in crafts and a fair smattering have mastered several skills, even tatting, and what was their competition that evening? Cake-making! And the standard was very high indeed--nothing from Marks and Sparks here! They discussed the resolution about community hospitals; the members are involved in their new local community; they are making a banner and took some ideas away from the craft collection; they have an appealing WI website. They are taking what the WI has to offer in the way of learning and appreciate what has been achieved in the past but are going their own way with the programme and activities for the year.So you see it isn't just Fulham and Islington that can set up such a WI!
May 19th
After all the rain of last week, it dawned clear and bright for the first of the Leisure and Performing Arts sub-committee's summer rambles.This was based on Emberton and the local WI (shortly to be celebrating its 70th anniversary) provided a light lunch for the 40+ walkers.It is lovely rolling countryside at the northern extremity of the county and we walked across fields and along ancient bridleways. Of course there was too much chatter for birdwatching but that wasn't the object of the exercise--just the companionable exercise which is so enjoyable. Many WIs now meet together for gentle walks between meetings and actually these walks do encourage new people to join. One has time to talk and explain what the WI is about and swap useful information on speakers and activities---and enjoy a bit of gossip as well.
There are several other rambles planned about the county and I do recommend them. They blow away the cobwebs and I returned with nothing to grumble about!


Rosielee said...

Another Wi blogger-this is great and so interesting to read another's experiences! Would you mind if I mentioned you on the Fulham WI blog (

Kind regards, Sarah

WIBucks member said...

Heavens! There is life out there. I thought I was talking to myself.I know local WI members are reading the blog but they will not add comments.
The initial idea was to tell non-members the sort of things WI members get involved in. Of course I don't mind you mentioning my blog at Fulham--quite honoured in fact.
I'm having trouble at the moment again as the blogsite keeps saying it has published my latest entry and it hasn't.However I am off on a WI holiday next week so will need to sort it out when I return.Do you have these problems? Any way good to hear from you