Saturday 14 July 2007

Literary Lunch and Working Parties for WI events

4th July
Our WI had a very interesting speaker this month. He is a local gardener who won the BBC Make a Garden national competition. He told us about the selection process along the way to becoming one of the 5 finalists and the extra stress of being filmed and quizzed on his knowledge while putting up arches, laying a little path and planting his chosen flowers and shrubs.I've watched some of those programmes and had no idea of the time it all took and how the presenters try to set the competitors at odds with one another in order to create that mean streak which they seem to like to have in all their programmes.We are going to visit the speaker's garden for our August meeting and then have tea with another WI in the area.
9th July
I watched the BBC 4 programme about Denman College. Here was another example of how much filming is done and how little of it appears in the programme proper. It was interesting how little information was given on Denman because the producers concentrated on the members attending and on their reasons for being there rather than on what they were doing. I think what I call the social services side of the WI was thoroughly aired as it has been in each programme. Do you think it will have attracted new members or made people shy away in case their private lives were explored in such depth?
It will have made members realise the problems of the upkeep of the buildings etc but did I nod off or was no mention made of how the Federations support their own bedrooms or part of the gardens? I still don't like the chairs in the bar and I have a nasty feeling there are some very similar models now in the drawing-room. OK, OK I'll go and have a look!
10th July
Today was the day for the BFWI Literary Lunch with Sandra Howard as the speaker. The Cheddington Village Hall has one of the most helpful caretakers in the county and he looked after us very well.The hall looked nice when laid out for lunch and the members arrived all looking summery and smiling. The caterers performed wonders as usual, the waitresses were very efficient but even so we ran late but no one seemed to mind. Sandra Howard is a lovely person and we appreciated what she had to say and she signed all the 50 copies of her book we had on sale.
All but two members were happy with the day: there is always someone, isn't there! In this case two but they came together so they count as one. The trouble is that afterwards it is only the criticism that the organisers remember, not the happy comments and encouragement to repeat the pattern.
Sandra donated her fee to a charity which helps fight alcohol and drug addiction. The event should turn out to be a good fund-raising event.This event is run by Executive for the members but organised by a small working party. Working Parties provide a good way to achieve successful results without spending a lot of time nor money on travel expenses. Members of the group do not need to be on Executive nor attend other meetings: no minutes, just notes back to Executive. One plans, organises help and runs things on the day then one is fancyfree again.
Would anyone like to help at a future event on this footing? It could involve writing letters, doing sums, cooking, buying whatever is needed, printing menus, waitressing, selling raffle tickets---all the things which you happily undertake in your own WIs.THINK ABOUT IT.
11th July
I took various items back to Stuart Lodge today after yesterday's Literary Lunch and immediately began to receive phone calls and e-mails saying how much people had enjoyed themselves."It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it".We have made these lunches into special occasions and everyone makes an effort and comes expecting to have a pleasant day. I only wish we could accommodate a larger number.

1 comment:

Hils said...

Well done - a great event!