Sunday, 25 November 2007

music,drama,art and food

15th November
For the first time this year Speakers&Publications Sub-Committee did not open the WI shop at High Wycombe especially for Christmas shopping. It used to be a social event with mincepies and coffees and the building all decorated.However, the building works opposite and flood damage repairs inside, it seemed a good opportunity to take the shop elsewhere. Luckily members in Little Missenden and Stony Stratford agreed to hold the sales in their houses and these were well attended.
The WI shop occupies a small area of the Bucks' WI Headquarters building in High Wycombe. It sells official stationery as well as a wide selection of cards, books, paper and foil kitchenware and toys. This activity contributes towards the upkeep of the building. It is open most Tuesday mornings and well worth a visit. It also affords a chance to look at Stuart Lodge which--after all-- belongs to the members.
19th November
After the sudden covering of snow last night, it was an afternoon and evening of heavy rain which resulted in an extremely wet drive to another WI's Annual Meeting. Here was a small WI in which the Officers really wanted to step down or shift positions but there was no one willing to take over--well, not this year anyway.But there is hope, as they have attracted a couple of new members who are willing to watch and learn so we have installed assistants and it is up to the officers to use them and train them up.
Has this WI got the youngest member in Bucks at 22 years of age?
21st November
Another dreadful wet night for travelling but well worth it. Those who missed the show by Bucks WIZZ at Holmer Green missed a treat. It was lively, well-dressed and great fun. The audience (no spare seats) was most appreciative and those on stage were obviously enjoying themselves. It takes a lot of time and planning to put on a show like this and although one doesn't begrudge the event being in aid of the Children's Society, one wishes that it could have had a more obvious WI connection: it would have shown that music and drama were alive and well in our Federation. How nice to see the late Muriel Rutherford's tappers still strutting their stuff!
23rd November
Another good event.
Tonight was a demonstration in Winslow Public Hall of flower arranging and festive food preparation organised by Winslow WI. This was open to the public and it came---extra chairs were needed. John Holland and John Parrott were the demonstrators and they performed an excellent double act. The beautiful flower arrangements were donated to the raffle along with the prepared dishes. The creation of spun sugar was sensational and the tipping of a bowl of whisked egg-white over his own head by John should have been preceded by the warning "Don't try this at home".
It has come to my notice that the WI should have an anti-bullying policy for its groups. Each WI plays host for a group meeting every other year and it is up to that WI to decide where and what to do, with the support of the Group Convenor of course.
Suppose that after you had given a lavish party for friends, one of your guests who is not so well-endowed financially returned the favour and invited you round for a more modest affair. How many of you, in your thank-you letter, would say "What a pity you didn't use the 4 star hotel like I did! You could have had more guests and more special food etc."?
As my old uncle would have said, "Manners, you brute! Thar's pigs aboot." It goes better with a Northern accent but you get the drift.

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