Saturday, 21 February 2009

Fiddle and fume

9th February
Today was the first real craft group meeting for our local WI because last month we combined a craft shopping expedition with a light lunch to celebrate the new year. One of our members demonstrated the art of quilling and then we experimented making flowers and decorations for greeting cards. It was all rather fiddley but we ended up with at least one reasonable card! We will return to this craft next month when we hope to progress to animal designs and more recognisable flowers. Some time was spent on the progress of our WI sampler too.It was very pleasant to get out of our houses after all the snow ---although the footpaths were still lethal for the walkers.
One of the subjects of conversation, over juggling with tiny pieces of paper, was the WI subscription book of vouchers which members receive every year. Some members think this is a waste of money but in actual fact the WI brings in funds to the organisation from the advertisers, even if individual members just bin it.So it must be worth the advertisers' while to make those offers contained in the token book. In our own WI, I have heard of people who have more than paid for their WI subscription by taking advantage of offers on holiday bookings, insurance, new sewing machines and vacuum cleaners. Also if no one in one's own family has allergy problems, there is nothing wrong with handing the token over to another member who would be glad of it.Also there are shops where one receives a discount if one shows the WI membership card from the front of the token book.
This entry is rather late because my family has been struggling with the installation of Broadband which we thought would swing us into the 21st century, seamlessly providing an all-singing-all dancing service.Don't you believe it! It has taken a good three weeks and finally ended up with my threatening to take the engineer hostage unless he had fixed it before leaving the house.He thought I was joking! In place of the extra back-up service provision subscription, I think BT should arrange something on the same lines with the Relate marriage guidance people.How the Powers that Be can say they plan to have everyone on Broadband beats me, when the willing horse to the trough cannot drink the waters there of. And then to put on the box "Just follow the easy set -up guide and you are off"... Where are Trade Descriptions when you need them?

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