Sunday, 5 December 2010

Music to our ears

3rd December
The final event of the BFWI 90th anniversary took place at Haddenham this evening when a Christmas Concert was held in the local church.The BFWI certainly knows how to choose dramatic weather for its events. We will never forget the rain at Stowe and, not now, the cold at Haddenham. The walk across to the floodlit church over crunchy snow beside the frozen pond really set a Christmas feeling to the evening. The Aylesbury Concert Band played seasonal music and accompanied the singing.The playing of the Haddenham Handbell Ringers was so clear and silvery and sounded lovely in the church.How the players in the band managed to play the right notes with icy fingers I don't know: the temperature was just above freezing because the tower under scaffolding for repairs was open to the four winds and at least two were blowing cold air through the building. Luckily the music was great, especially the duets by Jacqueline and Susan, and the readings were amusing so we began to forget about the cold. It was so good to hear some WI produced music which has been missing recently in WI events.It was only as we headed into a snow storm on the way home that I realised I was warm enough to feel my toes!
It was also very heartening to hear in the concert interval that it is possible that following the promotional activities at the "Calendar Girls" we may be about to witness the birth of a new WI in Aylesbury itself. Did you realise that there have been at least two new WIs formed in Bucks last year? How come I didn't know about all these developments? Did I miss the announcement in the WI Newsletter? We should be shouting this sort of thing from the rooftops to encourage the others. After all this growth in membership is a national trend and it looks as though we are on the bandwagon.

1st December
I visited one of the smaller WIs in the County this morning for its Annual Meeting. It was feared that the members were not going to be able to find the 3 officers because most of them had already served their turn and wanted a break. Same old problem you might say but we managed to re-arrange things a bit and I am sure they will be fine for another year. Some small WIs are a lesson to those larger than themselves and here was further evidence that small is beautiful.The members had taken part in nearly every BFWI event even though transport is often a problem. They had participated in WI holidays, entered competitions, helped in the setting up of a new WI in close proximity to their own in spite of the imagined threat to themselves and done sterling work in the village community. I was told the average age could be 75 but they had been cavorting about on a float in the village fete parade---don't tell Elfin Safety! A lesson to us all.

It was the local WI Christmas meeting tonight. In spite of the snow there was a good turn-out and once indoors the warmth was there for all to feel.We voted on the split for the profit from our Murder Mystery Evening between the WI and the refurbishment of the meeting place on the Market Square. The new appointments for next year were announced and mention was made of the threat of closure for our local branch library. This tied in well with the exhortation to have our voting forms ready next meeting for the resolutions to go up to the NFWI AGM in June. Also the date was given for our extra group craft activity in June which is being funded from our money-raising events so that everyone can reap the reward for their hard work. And then.....we degenerated into a very noisy game of beetle and some pretty unfortunate carol singing! The fact we needed a little glass to keep out the cold on the way home may have had something to do with this. It was a lovely evening and now let Christmas begin.

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